Tags Mass Maximum Rope Tension In summary, the largest mass that could be lifted with a string that can handle a max tension of 85 N, with an acceleration of 2.0 m/s^2, and on the moon, is 24 kg. The calculation is done by using the equation Ft = m (a + g) and considering ...
BMcC said: Then in 2), would the upward force on weight also be 3T? from the T/2 + T/2 on the small pulleys, then +2T from the long rope on the far right? Yes...Very Good :)FAQ: Calculating Tension in Frictionless and Massless Pulley Systems What...
4.0 kg each lie on a horizontal surface with friction. They are connected to each other by a light rope. One of the blocks is pulled horizontally so that the system can have an acceleration of 2.0 m/s² in the direction of the pulling force. Determine the tension force on the rop...
forcealongtheradius direction.Tofindoutthesourceofcentripetalforce:force alongtheradiusdirection.Note:2:Description:centripetal forceisnamedaccordingtotheeffectofforce;a:the centripetalforceisnamedaccordingtotheeffectofforce; b:anyoneorseveralforceforceaslongasitseffectisto makeobjectsproducecentripetalacceleration,...
, etc., for an elevator, which are able to easily calculate accurate tension of each rope.SOLUTION: When a rope used to raise or lower a cage in an elevator 1 vibrates due to the application of force to the rope, a measurement device 10 measures the period of vibration of the rope....