N.sup..alpha , an elementary polynomial equation N.sup..alpha th order whose coefficient of the mα-th order is determined by an elemental abundance of the isotope species of atom Zα with mα neutrons than the stable isotope lighter of this kind of atom has the mass number Aa, so ...
– a.m.u is a relative scale – The mass of Carbon-12 = 12.0000… amu Carbon-12 vs. Magnesium-24 Average Atomic Mass • Not all isotopes occur naturally in the same proportions – Some isotopes occur more often than others • The Average Atomic Mass takes into account the ...
weighted average 3. weight average of an element the weighted average of the isotopes of each element grounded in nature by their abundance is the atomic weight of an element. one can calculate the atomic mass of ...
Simultaneous variations in both the rare isotopic tracer and the total elemental (the sum of its isotopes) concentration are considered. The proposed procedure is applicable to most models of the carbon cycle and a four-box model example is discussed. Although the exact differential equations are ...