of the stress state after the development of the segment of the prefailure crack, and precisely on the basis of the stress state that occurred in this case it is suggested to determine the transverse reinforcement if the secondary principal stresses exceed the tensile strength of concrete. Assigni...
Experimental Analysis on the Feasibility of Bamboo Reinforcement in Concrete Mix Design and Comparison with Steel Reinforced Concrete Besides being chief construction ingredients, concrete and steel produce a high amount of CO2, and high energy consumption promotes global warming. To evad... R ...
Fibers Reinforced Concrete Structure (CECS 38:92)", a method for discriminating steel fibers reinforced concrete eccentrcic compression members is discussed The height of compressive zone in members with large eccentricity is analysed while the reinforcement is economic An example is given for practical...
DEFLECTION AND CRACK WIDTH PREDICTIONS OF CONCRETE BEAMS REINFORCED WITH FIBER REINFORCED POLYMER BARS In order to use the effective moment of inertia for concrete beams reinforced with FRP bars, the effect of reinforcement ratios and elastic modulus of ... HA Toutanji,M Saafi - International Sympo...
Minimum Reinforcement of Concrete Members regarding Hardening Caused Stresses and Member Dimensions The minimum reinforcement for crack width control of restrained concrete members is directed in the actual design code EC2 [1] by the limitation of the ste... DWITD Schlicke - 《Structural Concrete》 ...
Combining fiber-reinforced concrete with traditional reinforcement in tunnel linings New procedures to design cast-in-situ steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) tunnel linings are briefly presented in this paper. The ductile failure of suc... B Chiaia,AP Fantilli,P Vallini - 《Engineering ...
aFor calculating the primary effects of shrinkage at intermediate stages of the construction of a concrete slab, the equivalent span for the determination of the width beff in should be taken as the continuous length of concrete slab where the shear connection is effective, within the sp...
Steel-fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) has advantages over traditionally reinforced concrete in civil engineering. Steel fibers are added to the concrete mix and become an integral part of the wet concrete. Reinforcement using steel fibers can improve the resistance to shrinkage cracking and the ...
bendingstrengthofthesteeIreinforcedconcrete(SRC).nthispaper,forsymmetricaIreinforcement,theformuIasfor caIcuIatingtheaxiaIforcedistributionarederived.AsaresuIt,theuniversaIsuperpositionisnoIongerinneedofre peatedIytriaIcaIcuIation.TheeffectofsteeIandreinforcementincoIumnontheaxiaIforcedistributionisinvestigatedas ...
(CoiiegeofCviEngneerng,SoutheastUnversty,Nanjng210096,Chna) Abstract:Aunfedcaicuiatonmethodsdervedtoevaiuatetheaxaiandbendngbearngcapactyof RC(renforcedconcrete)pers Indervaton,thee uvaientrectanguiar stressgraphandthestress stran formuiaarerespectveiyadopted,correspondngtothestress stranreiatonforimted...