experimenter getsisgreaterthantheactualvalue.Theactual valueisconsideredthe‘rightanswer’. Example:Ifyouaredeterminingthe concentrationofasolutionandyoudetermineitto be2.5Manditisonly2.2Mthenyouwillrecorda positiveerror. NegativeErroriswhenthevaluetheexperimenter getsislessthantheactualvalue. InChemistry,itisvery...
(See "Aqueous Acid-Base Equilibria and Titrations", Robert de Levie, Oxford Chemistry Press, for some more detail.) Will try if I will be able to find the book, in my position it can be rather difficult.Besides, I have a feeling we are comparing apples and oranges here. It could be...
Determining a reaction coordinate (RC) or an order parameter as a starting point for computational chemistry calculations is a common approach to investigate kinetics. It offers a one-dimensional progress parameter for complex molecular processes in high dimensions. A RC can lead to more efficient co...