Calculating Mutual Fund ReturnsRENEE MONTAGNE
Total stock return is the sum of various company or investment returns. These returns include the dividends a company pays its shareholders as well as capital gains made from the price of the investment. It is a good measure of the performance of different investments over time. It can be us...
There are three steps involved in finding the correlation. The first is to add up all the X values to find SUM(X), add up all the Y values to fund SUM(Y) and multiply each X value with its corresponding Y value and sum them to find SUM(X,Y): SUM(X) = (41 + 19 + 23 + ...
rf = ff_returns[start:stop,5]/100 # Load Fund Data prices <- get.hist.quote("VTI", quote="Adj", start="2000-10-30", retclass="zoo") prices <- na.locf(prices) # Copy last traded price when NA # To make weekly returns, you must have this incantation: monthly.prices <- aggreg...