Manually calculating mileage driven for work got you down? Here's what a day in the life could look like with the help ofConcur Drive: It has been a long day driving the back-roads around the state, but it was worth it! I hit my sales quota and drummed up a few new leads. Now,...
I need help with a formula... Attached is my work.I have a spreadsheet that tracks mileage for our fleet. At the end of every month, we get odometer...
Reimbursement for mileage or hotel rooms for out-of-town travel. Wages from Concurrent Employment: Will Workers Comp Pay for Wage Loss if I Miss Time at My Second Job Due to My Injury? You may hold jobs with two or more employers when you suffer a work-related injury. For exa...
We use optional cookies to improve your experience on our websites, such as through social media connections, and to display personalized advertising based on your online activity. If you reject optional cookies, only cookies necessary to provide you the services will be used. You may change your...
"TotalofRemainingPayments" minus "TotalofWaivedPayments", then add "AmountofExcessMileageDue", & if the "DispoFeeWaived" Drop-Down value is Yes nothing additional needs to be added. I think that's it for the time being, and again any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!...
Reducing the weight of the truck lowers the vehicle’s center of gravity, leading to increased maneuverability and a tighter turning radius. Less weight also means superior acceleration and braking. This not only leads to a comfortable driving experience but also better fuel mileage, as the truck...
According to this thread, the recommended amount is 4GB RAM, and running 8GB RAM causes problems for some people, others not so much, your mileage may vary. For troubleshooting, please run through this checklist: What can I do with low...
A mileage value of 8 leads to a cost of $3.00. A cost of 7 leads to a cost of 2.63. The function isPosInt returns false for 3.00, but returns true for 2.62. Here is a postive real functions: function isPosReal(v) { var result2 = /^(0|[1-9])\d*\.\d+$/.test(v); ...
If you're a secondary car owner, use your vehicle sparingly, or if you live close to work, this could be the perfect option for you. Simply select average mileage per year as less than 8,000 km when purchasing your policy and, after declaring your current odometer reading, you will bene...