1982. Standard intercepts for calculating lengths from scale measurements for some centrarchid and percid fishes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 111: 332-336.Carlander, K. D. 1982. Standard Intercepts for Calculating Lengths from Scale Measurements for Some Centrachid and Percid Fishes...
1. 计算的:calculating scale 计算尺 | calculating 计算的 | calculation based on demand factor 需用系数法 2. 深谋远虑的,精明的:brisk 敏捷的,活泼的;清新健康的 | calculating 深谋远虑的,精明的 | candid 率直的 3. 测算:反算:reverse calculating | 测算:calculating | 模拟计算:Simulation calculating ...
On the back-calculation of fish lengths; modifications and extensions to the Fraser-Lee equation The basis of the widely used Fraser-Lee equation for back-calculating lengths is discussed and a new algebraic method of calculating the constant is given... KW Duncan - 《Journal of Fish Biology...
Scale information for determining Average log length for payment reduction eligibility must be obtained from roll-out scale. Truck-ramp, sample scaling, and/or bundle scaling information is not acceptable for determining eligibility. Purchaser’s exclusive remedy for below average log lengths shall be ...
And imagers can substitute a 1 for EPFS in that formula and get the image scale on the focal plane of any scope, useful for figuring chip size for an intended image. FOV = AFOV / Mag is more easier for everyone, accepting the 5% error ... or not?
Despite being at the heart of chemical thought, the curly arrow notation of reaction mechanisms has been treated with suspicion—the connection with rigorous molecular quantum mechanics being unclear. The connection requires a view of the wavefunction th
Another two lengths? Tell me two weights that make 1 kilogram. Another two weights? Look at the mug I am holding. Which of these amounts is the estimate of the capacity of the mug? 1 metre 1 litre1 centimetre; kilogram litre · Read the numbered divisions on a scale, and interpret ...
Using Goodier’s thermo-elastic displacement potential and Laplace transform, a semi-analytical method is developed for calculating the displacement and stress induced by heat transfer in sparsely fractured granitic rocks with saturated water flow and distributed heat sources. An integral equation of the...
In the present construction, this is accomplished by making the key shanks of different lengths and spacing the lower ends of the key shanks at progressively varying distances from the bar 21. The shank of the nine key contacts with the bar, the shank of the eight key is spaced a unit ...
If we consider an infinite scenario, the extensions through which 95% of the total groundwater volume flows are the characteristic lengths. Figure 1. Physical scheme of the excavation. By means of numerical simulations carried out with Modflow, a powerful numerical method to solve flow in ...