An exergy calculator tool for process simulation. Asia-Pac J Chem Eng 2007;2:431e7. [13] Lozano MA, Valero A. Methodology for calculation exergy in chemical process (77-86). In Wepfer WJ, Tsatsaronis G, Bajura RA. Thermodynamic analysis of Chemical Reactive Systems. ASME; AES-Vol. 4:...
Energy - Euclidean division - Factorial - Fermat number - Fibonacci numbers - Fluctuation rate - Folding@Home - Force - Frequency - Frustum - Fuelcalculator - Geometric declining depreciation - Geometric increasing depreciation - Gravity force - Gravity pressure - Hexagon - Hollow cylinder - ...
In Galperin billiards, two balls colliding with a hard wall form an analog calculator for the digits of the number 𝜋. This classical, one-dimensional three-body system (counting the hard wall) calculates the digits of 𝜋 in a base determined by the ratio of the masses of the two parti...