The function is given by an analytic expression, so to find the derivative we use the method of going to the limit by successive approximations until a given accuracy is reached, similar to the method used inCalculation of the derivative as a limit at a pointto calculate the derivative of a...
calculator and performing at least a part of the performing of the other part of the calculation of the third function by the second calculator simultaneously; multiple variables are updated simultaneously using a parallel update algorithm which provides higher speeds due to parallel computation; the ...
For more fine-grained control over the calculation of the squashing factor, use the original version of QSL Squasher (version <2.0), which offers higher-order interpolation schemes as well as integrator types. Please, use QSL Squasher -- Transverse Version (version >=2.0) for all calculations ...
High degree of macroscopic quantum coherence will be guaranteed [39] by the higher conservation laws operating in the one-dimensional bosonic systems. Bi-solitons have been recently created experimentally [40,41]. The integrals of motion, including the third superintegral, should carry over without ...