Formula for calculating fuel consumption(计算油耗公式) Simplified formula for fuel consumption I. Basic formula: Consumption of oil / mileage = fuel consumption per kilometer (usually 100 km fuel consumption as standard caliber, X100) The amount of oil consumed is relatively troublesome. Generally, t...
油耗公式) Simplifiedformulaforfuelconsumption I.Basicformula: Consumptionofoil/mileage=fuelconsumptionperkilometer (usually100kmfuelconsumptionasstandardcaliber,X100) Theamountofoilconsumedisrelativelytroublesome.Generally, thefulltankisusedastheinitialdata.Afterrunninga sufficientdistance,thetankisagainfilledwithfuel...
3.The method for calculating a distance to empty of an electric vehicle of claim 2, wherein a learned fuel efficiency before charging and the real-time accumulated traveling fuel efficiency are calculated by measuring and collecting a change in amount of SOC of the battery per second and a ch...
External load indicators were derived from distance and time parameters (MST: 400 m; 3 km time trial: 3000 m). To analyze each repetition or split, the time of each segment was recorded. Additionally, the fastest repetition or split was identified (MST: time per repetition; 3 km time tria...
Despite this wide range, the per capita carbon emissions are similar across all of the villages (Table 6). This portion of carbon emissions primarily arises from the gasoline consumption for private cars. Jiangjia stands out with the lowest per capita carbon emission due to its prevalent use ...