In hospitalized patients older than 70 years, the Cockroft-Gault (CG) formula generates an estimate of creatinine clearance (CrCl) that is closer to the measured 24-hour creatinine than the modification diet in renal disease (MDRD) formula. The CG tends to slightly underestimate the CrCl, while...
Plasma osmolalities were measured in 100 normal, 100 general hospital and 100 intensive care patients, and compared with the osmolalities calculated from the plasma concentrations of sodium, potassium, glucose and urea, using five different published formulae. The mean osmolar gaps in the 100 conse...
Material/methods eGFR was estimated with equations based on serum creatinine: Schwartz (1: eGFR-Scr), Cockroft–Gault (2: eGFR-CG) and MDRD (3: eGFR-MDRD), and on creatinine clearance (4: eGFR-U), or relying on serum cystatin C: Hoeck (5: eGFR-H), Bokenkamp (6: eGFR-B) and ...
glomerular filtration ratekidney diseasecreatininecystatinsObjective To compare the values of 3 empirical formulae,namely Modification of Diet in Renal Disease(MDRD) study equation,Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration(CKD-EPI) equation,and cystatin C(Cys C) single variable equations(eGFR-Cys)...
Study: Bladder Cancer Patients Shortchanged by Current Method of Calculating Creatinine Clearance for Determining ChemotherapyAn abstract is unavailable.doi:10.1097/01.COT.0000303896.35689.47Robert H. CarlsonOncology Times