Provided you perform 8–24 hours of monthly upkeep, that’s a total cost of $480 to $1,440 in monthly maintenance (when strictly using employee salaries). Going this route, there are no added costs, like there’d be when factoring in third-party management. Note that you’re not paying...
@Samuel- I am not sure how to calculate that, but what I can tell you is that, beyond a certain point, additional thread engagement does not add any more strength, only cost. The first three or four threads shoulder the lion’s share of the burden, then it diminishes beyond that. Rul...
The process of calculating a strip (blank) width essentially involves estimating the arc length (neutral line) of the bends and adding the sum of these bends to the lengths of all flat surfaces associated with the finished cross-section.
Cost of Living Adjustments When Receiving Benefits You can receive a higher workers compensation payment if you are eligible for a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) while receiving temporary total disability benefits. These COLA benefits, however, do not apply to awards of temporary partial ...