= 5000 Btu/h = (5000 Btu/h) / (12000 Btu/ton) = 0.42 ton Converting between heat and energy units Converting kW/tonn to COP or EER Typical Cooling Loads Rooms - Typical Cooling Loads Type of RoomCooling Load (ft2/ton) Arenas 150 - 200 Classroom 200 - 250 Clean room 100 - ...
agronomy Article A Dynamic Decision-Making Tool for Calculating the Optimal Rates of N Application for 40 Annual Crops While Minimising the Residual Level of Mineral N at Harvest Jean-Marie Machet 1, Pascal Dubrulle 1, Nathalie Damay 2, Rémy Duval 3, Jean-Luc Julien 2 and Sylvie Recous 4...