Empirically derived new equations for calculating body fat percentage based on skinfold thickness and midarm circumfer- ence in preschool Indian children. Am J Hum Biol 2004;16:278-88.Shaikh S, Mahalanabis D (2004). Empirically derived new equations for calculating body fat percentage based on ...
Empirically derived new equations for calculating body fat percentage based on skinfold thickness and midarm circumference in preschool Indian children - Shaikh, MahalanabisShaikh S, Mahalanabis D. Empirically derived new equations for calculating body fat percentage based on skinfold thickness and midarm...
Calculating the percentage of calories from fat and the grams of fat consumed daily to maintain an ideal body weightEXERCISE ECHOCARDIOGRAPHYEJECTION FRACTIONLEFT VENTRICULAR EXTERNAL DIMENSIONWALL THICKENINGFRANK-STARLING EFFECTRoberts WC.doi:10.1016/0002-9149(94)90946-6...
Electronic caliper and apparatus for calculating body fat percentage and/or body densityMA WAI * LUN
Electronic caliper and apparatus for calculating body fat percentage and/or body densityThis invention provides an electronic caliper 1 in which a measuring means 8 having a plurality of contacts 12 co-operates with the bridging contact 10 on an indicating arm 9. A processing means 11 can ...
Body composition in children: propo- sal for a method for calculating body fat percentage from total body density or skinfold-thickness measurements. Am J Clin Nutr 1989; 50:1104-1115.Westrate, J.A., & Deurenberg, P. (1989). Body compo...
Body composition in children: Proposal for calculating body fat percentage from total density or skinfold thickness measurement. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 59: 1104-1115.Weststrate JA,Deurenberg P.Body com position in children :proposalfor a method for caculating body fat percentage ...
Two variables were calculated by SmO2: (1) the percentage of muscle oxygen extraction (∇% SmO2) from the SmO2 desaturation and re- saturation values was obtained during each effort using the difference between SmO2 start (1 s before starting each effort) and SmO2 stop (last second of ...