Assessment of the Suitability of Elastomeric Bearings Modeling Using the Hyperelasticity and the Finite Element Method. Materials 2021, 14, 7665. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Belytschko, T.; Liu, W.K.; Moran, B.; Elkhodary, K.B. Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures...
during synchronization with the generator at the frequency of the electrical network in the starting or braking phase, and for low flow rates or when the load applied to the shaft is zero, as the hydraulic energy is entirely dissipated by the friction in the bearings and the impeller does not...
during synchronization with the generator at the frequency of the electrical network in the starting or braking phase, and for low flow rates or when the load applied to the shaft is zero, as the hydraulic energy is entirely dissipated by the friction in the bearings and the impeller does not...