The invention discloses a current calculating method for the low power consumption of a fault indicator. The method comprises the following steps: setting a CPU (Central Processing Unit) of an indicator to be in a sleep mode, and setting to delay for 3000ms and activating the CPU; after ...
get next available id if in numerical order Get next item from List using the current selected item get only first two lines from multiline string using regex Get PCI bus, device, function??? Get pixels from a BitmapSource image using CopyPixels() method Get Process ID from Window Title ...
Applying0perationalcurvetoSolve aultcurrent XUYue-jin ( Instituteof lectronicand lectricalPower ngineering , China AgriculturalUniversity , Beijing100083 , China ) Abstra t : perationalcurveisaneffectivetoolusedtocalculatefaultcurrentatanytime. hecalculat- ingreactancebetweenpowersourcenodeandfaultnodemustbe...
Look for the character'5'as a means to locate the conclusion of the present set of characters. Another option is to search for'5'character to determine the end of the current character array. Once you have found the last character, it is important to removebreakfrom the loop. Failing to ...
The results have confirmed that proposed FPETA could be used as a reasonable alternative for conventional ETA to quantify CDF when probability distributions are not available. Furthermore, the results also demonstrate that the proposed FPETA can be coupled with FPFTA in NPP PSA. 展开 ...
[Online] Available: [4] Maximum Torque Angle Application Guide. Retrieved July 27, 2011, [5] "Transmission and Subtransmission Line ...
=DATE(VALUE("20"&RIGHT(AB1,2)),VALUE(MID(AB1,LEN(AB1)-3,2)),VALUE(LEFT(AB1,LEN(AB1)-4))) After that stay on first cell with the formula, type in named box entire range reference Enter (range will be selected) and Ctrl+D (formula will be populated on entire ran...
3. Impedance reduces available short circuit current in case of malfunction. Drives Installation and Operation Manuals list necessary minimum impedance and short circuit ratings. What do these impedance percentages really mean? As stated in the above definition, percent impedance is always expressed at ...
Before power on the system, using insulation test to verify if it is good to improve system performance. Insulation test is to find manufacturing process problems and equipment fault which can not be found before failure happened.In EU,this test is compulsory,even to civil system.Featu...
target equilibrium temperature as a target effective power corresponding to the periodic voltage, wherein the program compares a stored allowable power of the capacitor with the target effective power corresponding to the periodic voltage in order to determine whether or not the capacitor is available....