How to reference the "Name" Field in a document library using calculated columns How to remove "Copy Video URL" from embedded youtube video How to remove subsites menu dropdown from top link bar? How to remove the Start and End Time fields from the event in a calendar list which is...
We now can do both: use it as.filter(allowed_to_drink=False)and use it for templates:customer.allowed_to_drink. But why do we define all "physical" fields in model and "calculated" field as keyword argument (!) inside of different (!!) class? Why do we need class at all? What w...
Verwenden Sie ein berechnetes Feld, um Funktionen auf Felddaten in einem QuickSight Amazon-Datensatz anzuwenden.
How to Hide Fields Based on a Drop Down value in Infopath How to Hide links and pages in SharePoint Online? How to identify Site Owner in Sharepoint 2010 ? how to increase size of modal popup which comes up when we click on an List item? How to insert link into calendar event desc...
Use the ISERR to see if the & is in the string. If there is an error, just return the field. Otherwise, do your replace, using the search to find the position. In this case, replace 2 characers with null string. Robin Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:26 PM ...