I have a series of camera extrinsics for my images: each camera's position vector (in world coordinates) and rotation matrix (in the camera's coordinates), the latter described as a 3x3 matrix. If I simply transform the Rot matrix to a quaternion and save it in the file, along with th...
In this formula,the MMULT functioncalculates the product of thek x k matrixboth the initial and the new one. Along with it, theMINVERSEfunction provides the inverse of the matrix. Method 2 – Apply the Power Method to Get Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Create an initial vector column with the ...
Alright, thank you. You've helped me quite a bit. I do need to construct my own code to compute the rotation matrix but is it alright if I use your code as a guide to know if I'm at least doing my computations correctly? I'll give the Horn's...