Even though you were born during the calendar month of a certain Sun Sign, the planets were still moving about the heavens. And at the exact minute that you were born, a certain constellation (Sign) was rising over the horizon. This would be your Rising/Ascending sign. Calculate your Risin...
Unlike the Sun sign or Moon sign, as mentioned earlier, the rising sign is the one rising during your birth on the Eastern horizon. It is known to shape how you interact with the outside world and the vibe that people pick up about you as your first impression. Your rising sign, along...
Lord Radnor is quoted as saying, “When Sir Isaac Newton was asked about the continuance of the rising of South Sea stock?—He answered, “that he could not calculate the madness of the people.” From Second Memorandum Book 1756 of Rev. Spence, in Samuel Weller Singer’s supplement to Re...
Your Part of Fortune is the intersection between your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs on your birth chart. It represents areas where you find luck and success. Calculate your Part of Fortune with the formula Ascendant - Sun + Moon if you have a day chart (meaning your Sun sign is in houses...