Every appliance in your home, from your smartphone to your air conditioner, contributes to your overall energy consumption. The combined electricity your devices consume impacts everything from your utility bills to the size of the solar generator and the number of solar panels you’d need to go...
All of these produce views ofm, and you can create a generator that produces views relating to all of the rotations by: defcube_rot_gen(m):foriin[0,1,2]:forjin[0,1,2,3]:forkin[1, -1]:yieldC_(B_(A_(m, i), j), k) 1) fliplr(flipud(m)) fliplr(m.swapaxes(0 m[:,:,...
Different formulas are used for calculating variance depending on whether you have data from a whole population or a sample. Population variance When you have collected data from every member of thepopulationthat you’re interested in, you can get an exact value for population variance. ...
FontSize ForceDirectedLayout ForEach ForEachLoop ForegroundColor ForeignKey ForeignKeyConstraintError ForeignKeyConstraintWarning ForeignKeyError ForeignKeyRelationship ForeignKeyWarning Fork ForkNode FormatDocument FormatPageLeft FormatPageRight FormatSelection FormattingToolbar FormDigest FormInstance FormPostBodyParamete...
Do users spend an average of two seconds on a page before leaving? There’s not a whole lot they can accomplish in that amount of time. In other words, the conversion rate will suffer. If they’re spending more time on the page — maybe a few minutes — there’s a better chance th...
so the model calculations assume the same transmission and distribution costs and efficiencies for all regions. Also, the calculations did not consider the generator fleet currently in place. The goal was to investigate what happens if each region were to start from scratch and generate an "ideal...
Foreach, $_.name, and string concatenation ForLoop with PowerShell Excel Form buttons look different depending on how I open the script Form DataGridView AutoSizeMode / Resize Form Width to Fit Form GUI Not Closing Properly Form GUI Progress Bar Not Working Properly Form Refresh Format Creation...
Willis, thank you very much for the excellent post and your reference to my work. I confirm your result on the effective sample size — see also equation (6) in http://www.itia.ntua.gr/en/docinfo/781/ As You Might Have Heard:If you disagree with someone, please have the courtesy to...
These data are presented to a linear programming solver within the software which selects the least expensive combination of local foods for four standard diets that meet specifications for: energy only; energy and macronutrients; energy, macronutrients and micronutrients; and energy, macronutrients and...
Full size image The software applies parameters from five in-built databases: the energy and nutrient content of foods, with the edible portions of raw foods; the energy and nutrient specifications for individuals, sometimes called energy and nutrient ‘requirements’; an optional collection of standa...