Accordingly, the cosine similarity can take on values between -1 and +1. If the vectors point in the exact same direction, the cosine similarity is +1. If the vectors point in opposite directions, the cosine similarity is -1. The cosine similarity is very popular in text analysis. It is...
How to calculate the similarity of two articles using PHP? Using thesimilar_text()function:This is a built-in function in PHP that calculates the similarity of two strings. It returns the number of matching characters in the two strings, or the similarity in percent if the third parameter is...
similarities = cosine_similarity([words[j] for j in range(i+1, len(words))]) # 累加相似度的倒数作为词级别上的ACC值 acc += 1 / sum(similarities) return acc ``` 这个函数首先使用结巴分词对文本进行分词,然后遍历所有词语,计算其与其他词语的余弦相似度,最后累加相似度的倒数作为词级别上的ACC值。
语法:余弦(X,Y) 其中 X是第一个矢量 Y是第二个向量 例1:计算两个向量之间余弦相似度的R程序 # load lsa modulelibrary(lsa)# create vector1vector1=c(34,56,23,45,21,64,78,90)# create vector2vector2=c(14,36,73,85,20,9,8,11)# get cosine similarityprint(cosine(vector1,vector2)) Bash...