Calculating CAD risk scores and communicating that information via smartphone apps is now being considered as a highly scalable method for nudging more at-risk people to seek medical advice and get lipid-lowering medications when appropriate, thereby lowering the incidence of CAD and heart-attacks. "...
Consuming caffeinated energy drinks is associated with QTc interval prolongation, which is a risk factor for torsades de pointes, according to a small study in the Journal of the American Heart Association. Can stress cause prolonged QT interval? In summary, QT was not prolonged due to stress bu...
Generally, higher ratios relate to a higher risk of health problems, such as heart disease. For example: 240 (total cholesterol) ÷ 60 (HDL) = 4 (total cholesterol HDL ratio). Health experts designate the following total cholesterol HDL ratios as follows: ideal: under 3.5 good: under 5...
2toguesssomething using as manyfactsas you can findcalculate (that)Researchers calculated that this group was at a higher risk of heart disease.calculate how/what/whether etcIt’s difficult to calculate what effect all these changes will have on the company. ...
2toguesssomething using as manyfactsas you can findcalculate (that)Researchers calculated that this group was at a higher risk of heart disease.calculate how/what/whether etcIt’s difficult to calculate what effect all these changes will have on the company. ...
People can calculate their triglyceride HDL ratio by dividing their triglycerides by their HDL level. This is not a common measurement method, but it can help determine a person’s risk of heart disease. For example, 200 (triglyceride level) ÷ 55 (HDL) = 3.6 (triglyceride HDL ratio). ...
This ratio is one of the most popular measures to see a person’s risk of heart disease. For example: 100 (LDL) ÷ 55 (55) = 1.8 (LDL-HDL ratio). Health experts designate the following LDL-HDL ratios as follows: ideal: under 2.0 good: under 5.0 bad: over 5.0 A2017 studyTrusted ...
The patient Blaha discussed would have a risk well above 15% using the MESA Risk Score.Blaha added that he and his colleagues are working on a CVD risk score tool for clinicians who want to factor in stroke. The SCCT guidelines reference the r...
we feel worse because it becomes harder for our bodies toburn fatfor fuel. But when we have a high body fat percentage, it’s more likely that we will have anincreased risk of diabetes and heart disease. The good news is that there is a relatively easy way to calculate your body fat...
Coronary heart diseaseSleep apnea Respiratory problemsSome cancers (breast, colon and endometrial) It’s also important to remember that BMI is only one factor related to risk of disease. For assessing someone’s likelihood of developing overweight related diseases we recommend looking at two other ...