NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
Learn more about this topic: Line Integrals: How to Integrate Functions Over Paths from Chapter 15/ Lesson 2 4.7K Line integrals are any integral of a function that can be defined along a given curve in a three-dimensional...
I was looking for ways of calculating the radius of curvature of a deforming boundary in 2D model (in time dependent solid mechanics module). i tried to use the equations derived for two fucntions of time i.e. u = u(t) and v=v(t) , Rad of curv = ((ut^2+vt^2)^1.5 )/(ut*...
本发明涉及一种实验动物眼位曲率半径及瞳孔直径的计算方法,该方法采用光学仪器测量,并通过数字化模拟将测量图片转化为数学几何图形的方式,运用数学计算得出实验动物眼位曲率半径及瞳孔直径. The present invention relates to an animal eye position and calculate the radius of curvature of an experimental method of...
(A). If it is released from rest when theta=0 degree , determine the magnitude of the reactive force exerted on it by pin B when theta=90 degree. Express your Determine the force in member ''CL'' of the loaded trus...
The larger the distance this point is from the end point the larger the resulting radius of curvature will be at the top. 2. Select the spline and change to the Control Vertices mode. Move the next to the last CV up so that its Y value is the same as the top end of the spline....
\gamma = \frac{4Q}{\pi R^3} with the volumetric flow Q and hole radius R, which still bears resemblance to the original shear rate formula. You calculate Q by dividing the pressure drop across the channel ΔP by the polymer viscosity η, similar ...
whereφis latitude,λis longitude,Ris earth’s radius (mean radius = 6,371km); note that angles need to be in radians to pass to trig functions! JavaScript: var R = 6371e3; // metres var φ1 = lat1.toRadians(); var φ2 = lat2.toRadians(); var Δφ = (lat2-lat1).toRadians...
If we define the radius of the sphere to be 𝑟𝑝rp, the radial position of the sphere to be 𝑟𝑠rs, and the radial position of the cylindrical plane to be 𝑟r, the cylindrical plane intersects the sphere; that is, it cuts through the sphere or is inside the sphere when max...
GaussianBeam: a gaussian laser beam with complex radius of curvatureq. Matrix: any 2x2 matrix. MatrixGroup: treats a group of matrix as a unit (draws it as a unit too) ImagingPath: AMatrixGroupwith an object at the front for geometrical optics ...