MATLAB Answers R-Squared for the robust linear regression 1 Answer Fit a line to data using regress 1 Answer F statistic for a multilinear regression, the F statistic I get from 'stats' differ from my own calculation. What am I doing wro... ...
aA Matlab code was developed to calculate the nominal and actual required capacity, suction temperature, and solve the optimization problem using Sequential Linear Programming (SLP) technique and determine the optimum compressor speed. Matlab代码被开发计算有名无实和实际必需的容量,吸温度,并且使用连续线性...
plot(C(i,1) + R(i)*cos(t),C(i,2) + R(i)*sin(t),['-',colors(i)]) end holdoff Now, could I have done the clustering in a different way? Possibly. One idea might be to use graph theoretic tools in MATLAB. For example, on the ...
b = (exp(B_2 * (5 - 8 * D) * R / 3) * (B_2 * R)^(5 - 2 * D))^(-1) * (S_1 + S_2 + S_3); % Evaluate the result with a specified precision b_value = vpa(b, 10);% Specify the desired precision fprintf('The value of b is: %s\n', b_value); ...
A toolbox for MATLAB for calculating the fractal dimensionality of a 3D structure, designed to work with intermediate files from FreeSurfer analysis pipeline, but can also use other volumes. To use the toolbox with data in NIfTI format, seeexample_niiin examples. ...
z = (1./(Fo-Fo_1).^(3./2)).*exp(-(R(p).^2+1)./(4*(Fo-Fo_1))).*exp((2.*R(p).*cos(phi-phi_1))./(4*(Fo-Fo_1))).*(exp(-(Z(k)-B.*phi_1./(2*pi)).^2./(4*(Fo-Fo_1)))-exp(
log(D) = - (Ea / (ln(10)*R*T) +log(D0) I was able to fit the parameters using "fit" and calculate values for Ea and D0 from the resulting fit parameters. So, for me this problem is solved, but if somebody else knows a solution to the initial problem of matlab not f...
r_c = [r_ab * cosd(Th1) + r_bc * cosd(Th2), r_ab * cosd(Th2) + r_bc * sind(Th2)];
This package provides an efficient implementation of locality-sensitve hashing (LSH) - Optimal-LSH/CalculateLSHParameters.m at master · YahooArchive/Optimal-LSH
So the question is, how to calculate the intersection of the two spaces in MATLAB. I know how to calculate it by hand: just set S1=S2S1=S2 and derive some relationships for αα and ββ. The solution (or let's say the output of the matlab script) should be the interse...