I use the latest version of Turf to calculate the area of a geojson polygon. The area result from Turf is: 22.13 m2 and Geographic Lib (https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/) 22.06 m2. I also checked on QGIS the area result is 22.03 m2 So Geographic Lib has higher accuracy th...
*计算任意多边形的面积,顶点按照顺时针或者逆时针方向排列 */doublemalaLogic::ComputePolygonArea(vector<malaPoint>&points) {intpoint_num = points.size();if(point_num <3)return0.0;doubles = points[0].y * (points[point_num -1].x - points[1].x);for(inti =1; i < point_num; ++i) s +...
As a standalone API Within our plugins forArcGIS, QGIS or Alteryx Creating matrices with the TravelTime API is done through a credit model. With one matrix credit, you can calculate travel times from one location to up to 2,000 destinations or vice versa....