A new approach using Allan Variance to calculate the BER floor caused by laser phase noise in weakly coherent optical transmission systems has been put forward for the first time.The relation between the BER floor and IF filter bandwidth has been discussed.THis new method features clear physical ...
Stride/Step Length– m; cm; mm; in The Distance Parameters are based in the marker position at the time, by default the toe marker (LTOE for left and RTOE for right) is used for the calculation. This can be changed in the Options box of the Generate Gait Cycle ...
►noiseModels ►objectives ►PackingModels ►pairPotentials ►parsing ►ParticleStressModels ►patchDistMethods ►PatchFunction1Types ►PDRDragModels ►PDRlegacy ►PDRobstacles ►phaseChangeTwoPhaseMixtures ►phaseTransferModels ►porosityModels ►porousModels ►POSIX ►predicates ►...