Read about the top six methods to calculate your ovulation day and get pregnant, including our ovulation calculator, BBT and cervical mucus.
Are you having problems determining the dates for your monthly period? Our period calculator will help you to estimate the date for your next menstruation, but also ovulation and possible due date.
Maximize your fertility journey with the free online Ovulation Predictor Calculator. Generate your ovulation calendar and determine the best time to get pregnant. Accurately track your ovulation cycle and boost your chances of concep
If you have a regular 28 day cycle then ovulation will occur between day 12 and 16, If you have a longer cycle you can approximate the day of ovulation by counting back 14 days from your anticipated next menstrual period. This is how the phone applications work by approximating the length ...
How do I calculate my ovulation and luteal phase? To use the calendar, simply enter the first day of your last period (the first day of menstrual bleeding), your average cycle length, and the length of your luteal phase. The Luteal Phase is the period of time starting day after ovulation...
Understanding ovulation Ovulation is a process of an egg being released from the ovary and this occurs 12-16 days before the next period begins. ‘Fertile days’ will be the times during a woman’s menstrual cycle, few days before and a day after ovulation, when a woman has the highest ...
Working out how many weeks pregnant you are can be a little confusing. Until your dating scan your pregnancy will be counted from the first day of your LMP (last menstrual period), although ovulation will generally occur two weeks after your LMP, which is when you technically become pregnant...
A woman’s most fertile days occur in the window in which she is ovulating. Ovulation usually occurs between Day 11 and Day 21 of the cycle, counting from the first day of the last period. Women who have shorter menstrual cycles tend to be more likely to
Generally, the timeframe for ovulation ranges from 12 to 16 days before the date of the next period. If a sperm successfully hits an egg, it starts to grow and mature during the first part of the menstrual cycle. For a Regular 28-Day Cycle Women have a regular menstrual cycle that ...