Length of your cycle Why is this information useful? If you are actively trying to conceive (TTC) you know when to have lots of intercourse: theideal frequencyis the night before ovulation, the morning of ovulation day, again at night of ovulation day and a fourth time the morning after ...
To calculate the length of your menstrual cycle, you can count the days from the first day of your period and go up to the day prior to the start of your next period. In turn, the average cycle length can be calculated by adding the length for each individual cycle and then divide by...
To use the calendar, simply enter the first day of your last period (the first day of menstrual bleeding), your average cycle length, and the length of your luteal phase. The Luteal Phase is the period of time starting day after ovulation and running through the remainder of your menstrual...
If you have a regular 28 day cycle then ovulation will occur between day 12 and 16, If you have a longer cycle you can approximate the day of ovulation by counting back 14 days from your anticipated next menstrual period. This is how the phone applications work by approximating the length ...