Most credit and loan applications ask for your gross annual or monthly income. It’s important to put your gross income, rather than your net income, so that you can provide accurate information on your application and increase your chances of approval. Gross Pay Components Several components com...
Unlike income tax, employers must send payroll taxes to the IRS either monthly or semi-weekly (once every 2 weeks). This is in addition to filing quarterly federal tax returns. State payroll tax deadlines usually line up with federal deadlines, but you should double-check with your state to ...
(or the total amount paid towards debts monthly) and your gross monthly income. Others are more complex and help you determine your total recurring debts by asking for individual items such as rent or mortgage payments, vehicle payments, other loan payments, credit cards, income from employment,...
QuickBooks Live Assisted Bookkeeping:This is a monthly subscription service offering ongoing guidance on how to manage your books that you maintain full ownership and control. When you request a session with a Live Bookkeeper, they can provide guidance on topics including: bookkeeping automation, cat...