Calculate cost of gas based on mileage and gas price.A car averages 27 miles per gallon. If gas costs $4.04 per gallon, which of the following is closest to how much the gas would cost for this car to travel 2,727 typical miles?
How to Reduce Your Car Cost If you want to pay less for a used or new car, consider a few factors: Improve Your Credit Score The first is your credit report. If you have a low credit score, you'll typically have to pay a higher interest rate, making your monthly car payment higher...
Add up all of your fixed-monthly housing expenses. This includes your rent or mortgage payments, electricity, water, gas, phone and cable. Some of these might fluctuate slightly from one month to another, but use estimates of the average cost. Video of the Day Step 2 Add your monthly tran...
The daily standing charge is the price you pay per day to receive your electricity from your supplier. This is like a connection fee or landline monthly line rental and is separate from the price you pay for your actual electricity usage. ...
Other calculations in cars and speed Calculate stopping and braking distance Calculate how much time you save by increasing the speed What is the real cost of your car Calculate your average speed How much car loan cash can you get from your car?
A fact table containing the grain chosen in step 1, monthly in this example. See attached file for insert statements. CREATE COLUMN TABLE "MOLJUS02"."FACT_TABLE" ("YEARMONTH" NVARCHAR(6), "MATERIAL" NVARCHAR(18), "CUSTOMER" NVARCHAR(10), "SALES" DECIMAL(15,2), "COST" DECIMAL(15,2...
Calculate Monthly Expenses Step 1 Add up all of your fixed-monthly housing expenses. This includes your rent or mortgage payments, electricity, water, gas, phone and cable. Some of these might fluctuate slightly from one month to another, but use estimates of the average cost. ...
COST PER MILE (CPM) = TOTAL DELIVERY EXPENSES / TOTAL MILEAGE Simply put, you should divide the total logistics expenses (from Step 1) by the total number of miles covered over a period of time (from Step 2). For example, let's say your total monthly expenses for last-mile delivery ...
The formula to calculate the monthly principal due on an amortized loan is as follows: Principal Payment=TMP−(OLB×Interest Rate12 Months)where:TMP=Total monthly paymentOLB=Outstanding loan balance\begin{aligned}&\text{Principal Payment} = \text{TMP} - \Big ( \text{OLB} \times \frac { ...
profit margin using computer software. One of the most common ones on the market is Microsoft Excel. Using spreadsheets can make things a little easier. Before you sit down at the computer to calculate your profit, you’ll need some basic information, includingrevenue and the costof goods ...