I want to make a roman blind for a bedroom window using material from curtains from another bedroom. They would need to have a join as the curtain length is shorter than the window where the roman blind is needed.Is it possible to make a join across the blind to add length?
This video tutorial is meant to help you model your own curtains in Autodesk 3ds Max. If you need some window curtains, this is the best way to model them. You'll learn how to do it using several modifiers and layer techniques. You can download the finished curtain from Visual ...more...
Similarly, the slope of the line of Section 1 was greater such that, with a wind velocity of 4 m/s, a VR of 62.9 m3/m3 per hour was observed compared to 54.1 m3/m3 per hour for Section 2. Open curtains at similar wind velocity resulted in higher air exchange rates in the barn (...
Similarly, the slope of the line of Section 1 was greater such that, with a wind velocity of 4 m/s, a VR of 62.9 m3/m3 per hour was observed compared to 54.1 m3/m3 per hour for Section 2. Open curtains at similar wind velocity resulted in higher air exchange rates in the barn (...