Calculate monthly payments on a loan, including a mortgage loan payment, a credit card loan payment, a down payment calculation, a loan payoff time, and a monthly payment goal. We have used Microsoft 365 to prepare this article, but these methods are also applicable to Excel 2021, 2019, 20...
I need a formula to calculate a loan payment with additional principle added to accelerate payoff... Douglas997twrote: ``The additional payment made each month is to be applied directly to principle as opposed to as a prepayment applied to both principle & interest.`...
This is demonstrated below. See the attached Excel file for formulas. wrote: ``The additional payment made each month is to be applied directly to principle as opposed to as a prepayment applied to both principle & interest.`` Ostensibly, the...
Answer to: How do you calculate the principle for straight line amortization if we know the total interest paid, the loan term, and the interest...
Microsoft Support Community , not 200.48. Ostensibly, the Excel formula is: =NPER(D66/12, D68, -D64) But that results in 200.466253023484, which rounds to 200.47, not 200.48.