All eight sides of an octagon are equal in length, and all eight angles are equal in size. This uniformity creates a direct relationship between the length of a side and the octagon area. Therefore, if you already know the area, you can derive the side length using the following formula,...
Most commonly associated with the shape of a "Stop" sign, the octagon has eight sides that are equal in length. The circumference of an octagon, also known as the perimeter, can be calculated by using a simple mathematical formula and a length measuring device such as a tape measure. Measu...
on Interior Angles of a Polygon Definition of a Regular Polygon: A regular polygon is simply a polygon whose sides all have the same length andanglesall have the same measure. You have probably heard of theequilateral triangle, which are the two most well-known and most frequently studied typ...
is an example of a regular pentagon and a stop sign is an example of a regular octagon. 4 Subtract the sum of the known angles from the total measure of the angles for an irregular polygon. If your polygon doesn't have sides of the same length and angles of the same measure, all ...
Length, Width, Height Formula for a Rectangular Container The easiest shape for which to calculate volume is a rectangular container, such as a fish tank or a show box. It has three sides of lengths a, b and c. You probably already know that you can calculate the...
The radius of the square is c, the hypotenuse of a right triangle with sides, a and b, that are half the length of the side of the square. The steps for calculating the radius derive directly from this formula. ...