Calculate intraclass correlations for one-way random-effects modelIntroductionOne-way random effectsTwo-way random effectsTwo-way mixed effectsAdoption studyRelationship between ICCs Tests against nonzero valuesicc depvar target if inoneway options
e-GFR showed good agreement with m-GFR with a mean bias of –4.37 ml/min/1.73 m 2 and precision (SD of bias) of 33.07, 95% limit of agreement –69.18 to 60.45, and intraclass correlation of 74% (95%CI 66–80%, P < 0.001). e-GFR underestimated m-GFR by 19.8% (95% CI 7.9...
Calculate the intraclass correlation using mixed effect models
Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs(2,1)) and standard error of measurement (SEM), were used to examine the agreement between actual and estimated pitch counts. Results The mean pitch count was correlated with the estimated pitch count (628 ± 476vs.603 ± 426; r = .99,...
INTRACLASS correlationALGORITHMSMACHINE learningThe calculation of so-called "brain age" from structural MRIs has been an emerging biomarker in aging research. Data suggests that discrepancies between chronological age and the predicted age of the brain may be predictive of mortality and morbi...