Red light of wavelength 750 nm enters a glass plate of refractive inde... 03:05 In Young's double slit experiment, if I(0) is intensity of light from ... 01:18 Find the ratio of intensities at the two points X and Y on a screen in... 02:30 The ratio of intensities at amxima...
structure parameter of index of refraction C_n~2scintillation indexaperture averagingscintillometerFSO systemThe refractive-index structure parameter Cn2 is the parameter most commonly used to describe the optically active turbulence. In the past, FGAN-FOM carried out long-term experiments in moderate ...
ICSE-REFRACTION OF LIGHT AT PLANE SURFACES-EXERCISE-4(A) NUMERICALS The speed of light in air is 3xx10^(8)ms^(-1). Calculate the speed of ... 01:09 The speed of light in diamond is 125,000" km "s^(-1) what is its refra... 01:41 The refractive index of water with respect...
The complex index of refraction, nc≡n+iβ, of an optical medium is related to its electric susceptibility, χ≡χre+iχim, by the equation [42](1)nc=1+χ≈1+χre2+iχim2, where the approximation is valid when |χ| is small.2 The real part of nc (commonly known as the refra...
structure parameter of index of refraction C_n~2scintillation indexaperture averagingscintillometerFSO systemThe refractive-index structure parameter C_n~2 is the parameter most commonly used to describe the optically active turbulence. In the past, FGAN-FOM carried out long-term experiments in ...