Another real benefit of the USGA's golf index is that it is portable. Using your USGA Index, you can go to any course which has a course rating and a slope rating and calculate your handicap for that specific course and set of tees. OurHandicap Systemsoftware calculates your USGA Index as...
The Slope Rating reflects the relative difficulty of a course for players who are not scratch golfers in comparison to scratch golfers. Golfers use the Slope Rating, a trademark of the United States Golf Association, to calculate handicap differentials. The rating falls between 55 and 155; the h...
With the help of ourfree golf handicap calculatorabove and a simple formula, you now have your Index® and Course Handicap. *Plain English explanation of how to calculate your golf handicap. ** You can use theCourse Rating and Slope databaseif you cannot find the information elsewhere. **...
It's actually quite annoying that index and differential. I played a great round today that's going to make my handicap go up. The course I played has a lower slope rating than some of the others I play. The differential make it so an 84 at one is better than an 80 at the other...