To calculate your centrifugal flow conversion rate, just enter your current flow rate and the form will automatically make the conversion. Enter flow rate that you wish to convert. Flow Rate Gallons/Hr Gallons/Min Pounds/Hr Liters/Hr Liters/Min Pounds Per Gallon Gallons Per Hour ...
Gallons Per Hour Consumption Calculation Hollow Rectangular Beams Deflection Calculation Round Tube Beams Deflection Calculation Solid Rectangular Beams Deflection Calculation Solid Round Beams Deflection Calculation Square Tube Center Calculator Potential Flight TIme Calculator ...
4500 to 6499 = 1.35 gallons per hour 6500 to 7999 = 1.6 gallons per hour >8000 = 2.5 gallons per hour CO2 Output:Production of CO2 is based on data available at the US Energy Information Administration: On average, consuming 1 gallon of LP produces 12.65453 lbs of CO2. ...
Determine the amount of space or water to be heated. Calculate the space in cubic feet by measuring the length, width and distance from floor to ceiling of the building or space to be heated and multiplying the three figures. For water, multiply the number of gallons to be heated or used...