Now, you must calculate the number of hours the employee worked during the pay period (usually a week, fortnight, or month). To do this, tally up the total hours worked each day. An important step in calculating hours is to compare the hours worked with the regular workweek hours. To ...
looking at the above, i want to calculate how many hours/minutes/seconds it takes ignoring Saturday's and Sunday's and any time between 5pm and 8am.Is it possible to have a formula like this? Reply Maria Azbel (Ablebits Team) says: 2016-02-17 at 11:41 am Hello, Barbara, To get...
I want the difference to only be between 09:00-17:00 so if the first time is 15:30 and the second is 10:30 I want the time difference to be 3hours. Is this possible as I don't use dates in the spreadsheet? Thank you Reply sachin...