ETA or estimated time of arrival is the time when a vehicle or person is expected to reach its/their destination. The calculation is based on the planned duration of the route. In logistics, it refers to the transportation of goods and is typically used to inform customers of the time the...
How to calculate weibull parameters and capacity factor from a set of wind speeds value by excel sheet?Wind Turbine Power Curve:Every wind turbine has its own power curve. The power curve reflects the power output for every wind speed data point. In the powe...
Valige konkreetne tehingutüüp, et näidata veetehingu tüüpi, mille kohta arvutus tehti ja mille kohta tuleb aru anda. Hindamistegur –see etapp teisendab puhverserveri andmed tegevusandmeteks, kasutades hindamistegureid. Näiteks saab hindamisteguri etappi kasutada hotelli öö...
In Microsoft Sustainability Manager en kalkulu-eredua jarduera-datuak eta emisio-faktoreak elkartzen dituen kalkulu-metodologia exekutatzen duen isurpenaren edo uraren kalkuluaren irudikapen logikoa da. Metodologia honek berotegi-efektuko gasen isuriak edo ura ateratzeko eta isurtzeko bolume...