i am the design engineer and its really very help full for me, your excel spread sheets and software, i just want to know that can we relia 100% on the spread sheets of cables size/ voltage drop calculation, and again real thanks to all the team of this site and developers of ...
All I know is the source voltage should not drop by more than 350mV. Looking at my previous graphs, it drops by about 2V it seems :scared: But then I heard the "common" accepted capacitance is 10uF. And if I put 10uf on that page given by @ledtester above (say the USB cable is...
ΔUv,i{p} The voltage drop on the phases {p} = {a, b, c}, on each section (v–i), [V] ΔW The energy losses, [kWh] εS The error for the convergence test (Absolute error), [kVA] ε The absolute error, [kWh] δ The percentage error, [%] Appendix A Table A1. The al...