Alternatively you could get a rough estimate of the bullet's velocity by measuring the distance from the muzzle to a target and dividing this by the time it takes the bullet to reach the target, though there will be some loss due to air resistance. The best way to determine muzzle velocit...
Calculate the speed at which a 0.723-kg object has the same momentum as a 1.30-kg object that is moving a: 0.515 c. b: 0.712 c c: 0.734 c d: 0.981 c e: 0.592 c What is the kinetic energy of a 200 g bullet travelling at a velocity of 400 ...
Calculate the kinetic energy of a 7.3 kg steel ball traveling at 18.0 m/s. Determine the energy released per kilogram of fuel used for 6.0 \times 10^{-10}J/Kg. A bullet weighing 235 grains is moving at a speed of 2.52...
{CTakeDamageInfoinfo(this, m_hOwner, sk_controller_dmgball.GetFloat(), DMG_ENERGYBEAM );CalculateMeleeDamageForce( &info, vecAttackDir, tr.endpos ); pOther->DispatchTraceAttack( info, vecAttackDir, &tr ); }else{ CTakeDamageInfo info(this,this, sk_controller_dmgball.GetFloat(), DMG_EN...
a)Through what distance does the ball accelerate before its release? b)What force does the pitcher The Attempt at a Solution I got part of part b What force does the pitcher ___Ni + 1.4Nj I really just need the equation to find part a. Physics news on Building better in...
(a) Find the amount of time the bullet is in the air. (b) Find the bul You throw a ball toward a wall from an initial height y_0 = 1.4\ \rm{m} at speed v_0 = 25.0\ \rm{m/s} and at angle of 40.0 degrees...