最后,使用return关键字返回计算的平均值。 接下来,我们可以在主程序中生成一个整数列表,并调用calculate_average函数来计算平均值。代码如下所示: numbers=[1,2,3,4,5]average=calculate_average(numbers) 1. 2. 在上述代码中,我们定义了一个整数列表numbers,然后调用calculate_average函数并将numbers作为参数传递给...
四、编程题请编写一个Python函数,实现对一个列表中所有元素求平均值的功能。def calculate_average(lst):sum_val = 0for num
答案:The average score is: 84.0 解析:以上代码定义了一个求平均值的函数calculate_average,并给出了一个包含学生分数的列表。通过调用calculate_average函数计算列表的平均分数,并将结果打印出来。 通过以上例题,我们可以看出,教师计算机考试题目主要涉及计算机基础知识、相关术语的理解以及简单的编程思维。掌握这些知识对...
Write a Python function that takes a Student named tuple as an argument and calculates the average grade.Sample Solution:Code:from collections import namedtuple # Define a NamedTuple named 'Student' with fields 'name', 'age', and 'marks' Student = namedtuple("Student", ["name", "age", ...
A statistical measure of central tendency is calculated by removing a specified percentage of the smallest and largest values from a dataset and then computing the mean (average) of the remaining values. Trimming is done to reduce the impact of outliers or extreme values on the calculated mean,...
While working with strings in Python, sometimes you may need to know the average word length in a sentence. The average word length of a sentence is equal to the sum of the length of all characters to the sum of all words.This tutorial will teach you to calculate the average word ...
In this tutorial, you will learn about the Expected Value and its calculation in Python.Expected Value (E(X))The expected value is denoted as E(X) or μ. It is a fundamental concept in probability theory and statistics. It represents the long-term average or the "expected" value of a ...
$average; In this example, we have an array of numbers called $numbers. We first use array_sum() to find the sum of these numbers and store it in the variable $sum.Next, we use count() to determine how many elements are in the array and store the count in the variable $count....
1.1 Applying the SUM Function to Calculate Weekly Average Steps: Create a newWeekly Averagecolumn,as shown in the following image. Enter the formula given below in cellE5: =SUM(D5:D11)/7 The rangeD5:D11refers to the first7cells of theSpentcolumn. ...
The mean (or average) is calculated by: Adding the numbers in the column together. Dividing the total sum by the number of scores. #Calculate mean across multiple DataFrames by row index If you want to calculate the mean values across multiple DataFrames by row index, use theDataFrame.group...