Arkansas$63,250 California$89,870 Colorado$96,640 Connecticut$92,240 Delaware$86,340 District of Columbia$111,000 Florida$72,200 Georgia$72,420 Hawaii$97,360 Idaho$73,910 Illinois$87,820 Indiana$76,910 Iowa$80,860 Kansas$84,830
What are the main disadvantages of solar energy? The central disadvantage is the upfront cost of a solar installation. Of course, this is partially offset by numerous incentives, like the federal tax credit. Some people may also consider solar panels an eyesore....
StateEffective Tax RateRank Alabama0.36%49 Alaska1.07%16 Arizona0.45%47 Arkansas0.53%39 California0.68%34 Colorado0.45%46 Connecticut1.78%3 Delaware0.48%42 Florida0.71%31 Georgia0.72%29 Hawaii0.26%50 Idaho0.47%44 Illinois1.95%2 Indiana0.71%30 ...
There's a simple basic formula to determine how long it'll take for your solar savings to pay off the cost of installing the system. Start with the upfront cost of installation, then subtract all tax credits, rebates, grants and other incentives you received. This determines your net system...