but I'm clueless how to calculate the rest. My only idea is to convert the 3d array to a 2d matrix of co-ordinates, multiply by a rotation matrix, and convert back. But I'd rather work directly with the 3d array.
"DOUBLE") geometryField = arcpy.Describe(tempPgs).shapeFieldName #Get name of geometry field cursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(tempPgs) for row in cursor: AreaValue = row.getValue(geometryField).area #Read area value as double row.setValue("Shape_area",AreaValue) #Write area value to field cur...
This study aims to compare the differences in light interception between VCMs and RCM. A realistic 3D maize canopy model (RCM) was reconstructed over a large area of the field using an advanced unmanned aerial vehicle cross-circling oblique (CCO) route and the structure from motion-multi-view ...
The area under each curve has been coloured either translucent red or blue, representing σ− and σ+ transitions. Overlaying the plots are curves showing the transition frequencies as a function of magnetic field. Notice that the strong σ− transitions move to lower energies while the strong...
The shape coefficient of the tunnel cross-section (area of the tunnel cross-section divided by the square of its height) is used as a tuning factor to correlate the results of the different cross-sectional shapes. Also, a modified formula is proposed to calculate the critical velocity of any...