Calculate how old you are using the age calculator below. Get your age in years, months, days, or seconds. Birthdate: MonthDayYear Age at this Date: MonthDayYear Your Age: 34 years, 11 months, 0 days Age in Months: 419 months, 0 days ...
39 years, 10 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days Age in Months: 478 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days Age in Weeks: 2080 weeks and 6 days Age in Days: 14566 days Share Results: Share Results Latest Calculators Markup Calculator Ideal Body Weight Calculator Debt-to-Limit Ratio Calculator Discount...
Birthday Age Calculator, Age Calculator by Date of Birth, Online Age Calculator, Date Of Birth Calculator, Calculate My Age, Know how old are you, How to Calculate Current Age, Find How Old Are You Exactly? How old am I now
PressENTERto get the age value in years and months. Drag down theFill Handletool toAutoFillthe formula for the rest of the cells. You will get the age values calculated using theDATEDIF function. Method 2 – Combining DATEDIF and TODAY Functions to Calculate Age Steps: Select cellD5. Enter...
How to Calculate Age in Years, Months, and Days at the Same Time How to Calculate Age on a Specific Date To find someone or something's age in Microsoft Excel, you canuse a functionthat displays the age in years, months, and even days. We'll show you how to use this function in ...
3.1 Calculate age based on date 3.11 Calculate age based on given birthdate 3.12 Calculate age in years, month and days format by given birthday 3.13 Calculate age by birth of date before 1/1/1900 3.2 Calculate age by birth by using Kutools for Excel 3.3 Calculate age ...
There are a couple of ways to calculate the age in years when you have the date of birth and the time for the age. Example:In the following dataset, the birth data is in column A, and the age date is in column B. Formula 1: The INT Function ...
You have a number of options to do this. First, you can calculate age in years. If you want to be even more precise, you can calculate someone’s age in years, months, and days. It’s also possible to calculate how old someone will be at any age you specify. ...
How to calculate the age in years from date of birth 09-09-2017 03:24 AM I have a date of birth column called DOB and I am using the following calculation to get the age: CustAge = DATEDIFF([DOB], TODAY(), YEAR) However, in some cases it is giving me the...
Calculate Age in Years and Months A DATEDIF formula that combines two DATEDIF functions can be used to calculate age in years and months. One DATEDIF function to return age in complete years and another for the difference in months, with the years ignored, can be combined into a single resul...