Total CACs and that in the left coronary artery (LCA) branches, main stem (LMS), anterior descending (LAD), circumflex (Cx) and right coronary artery (RCA) were analysed. Results: The overall agreement between the two measurements was fairly good, showing a small but significant increase in...
Leftanteriordescending(LAD)1.Septalbranches2.Diagonalbranches coronary anatomy AnterioraorticsinsusRightcoronaryartery(RCA)1.Marginalbranches LeftposterioraorticsinusLeftmainartery(LM)--1-2cm Leftanteriordescending(LAD)1.Septalbranches2.Diagonalbranches Leftcircumflexartery(LCx)1.MarginalbranchesIntermedialartery co...
Rightcoronaryartery(RCA) 1.Marginalbranches Leftanteriordescending (LAD) 1.Septalbranches 2.Diagonalbranches coronary anatomy Rightdominant(80%) Leftdominant() Balancedtype 1.Crux 2.Posteriordescending artery(PDA) 3.Posteriorlateralbranch (PL) coronary ...
Results were calculated by 3 CACS algorithms, namely, the Agatston score, the volumetric score, and the mass score of the four major coronary arteries, including the LM, LAD, LCX, and RCA, as obtained by syngo.via: 04.02.0000.0009 (Siemens Healthcare, Germany). The total CACS was defined...
RCA RCA RCA PDALMLADLADLADD1D2CxMoCXMOPLCa-Xcoronary artery atheromaMSCT freatures of plaques (Modified AHA calcification)Modified AHACalcified nodulesFibrocalcified plaqueFibreous cap atheromaThin fibrous cap atheromaTrombusDensityMDCT>150 HighHigh/Low50-100 intermediate20-50 low<20 very lowPict...
(LAD),left circumflex coronary (LCX),an d right coronary arteri es (RCA)1.Previous stu dies had esta blished an Agat- ston score of lar ger th an 3 0 0 as a strong predictor of in ci— dent coronary heart disease an d provided predic tive in for- m ation . J Th ere ...
RCA, right coronary artery. Cx, left circumflex. LM, left main (Color version of figure is available online). Correlation Analysis Visual and quantitative evaluation of calcified plaque area were highly correlated to the Opacity Score (r=0.81, 95% CI 0.76-0.86 for the visual, and r=0.83, ...
(CNN) which takes a CT volume as input and processes it slice-by-slice. The CNN performs two operations end-to-end: First, it segments calcium lesions that contribute to the Agatston score. Second, the CNN categorizes each calcium lesion as belonging to the LCA, LAD, LCX, or RCA. We...