*有助兒童骨骼生長及牙齒*貨源來自Costco, USA 主要成分/Description:每2隻熊軟糖, (2-4歲, 4歲以上,占每日所需營養%)卡路里Calories 15碳水化合物Total Carbohydrate 4 g糖Sugars 4 g維他命D; Vitamin D (as ergocalciferol) 200 IU 50%, 5%鈣Calcium (as tricalcium phosphate) 20 mg 25%, 20%磷Phosp...
Just one serving (two delicious gummies) is all you need to receive 500 mg of Calcium and 1000 IU (20 ?g) of Vitamin D3 per day. Kirkland Signature Calcium with Vitamin D3 Adult Gummies: Support strong bones, teeth and a healthy immune system.?
Kirkland Signature Calcium 600 mg + D3helps supports strong bones. The addition of vitamin D helps your body to absorb calcium better.? May reduce the risk of osteoporosis.? Vitamin D helps improve calcium absorption.? Calcium supports the growth of strong bones and teeth.?
Includes three, 150 count bottles of Caltrate 600+D3 Plus Minerals calcium supplement mini tablets to nourish your bones. (1) Easy to swallow Caltrate mini tablets are 35% smaller verses the leading small size calcium supplement. (2) Dual benefit formula includes calcium and vitamin D3 for bo...
生命花园有机植物钙片,产品生产过程辅助原材料全部来源于有机植物的直接提取,杜绝了一切合成化学原料的添加,维生素K2取自非转基因纳豆,可提高骨密度,维生素D3取自有机地衣植物,提高钙吸收,镁离子维护钙质平衡,有助于神经传导,小棕瓶设计,隔热隔潮,避免了营养的流失。(103118) ...
Calcium is essential for strong bones and Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Zinc and magnesium assist the body with bone formation. 柯克兰签名柠檬酸钙,维生素D3,镁,锌等矿物质,科学制定支持一个健康的身体。钙对于强健骨骼是必不可少的,维生素D帮助人体吸收钙。锌和镁,帮助身体骨形成。 Kirkland...
邮政信箱34535,西雅图,华盛顿州98124-1535.Costco IMPORTANT:TAMPER-EVIDENTSEALUNDERCAP.DONOTUSEIFPRINTEDSEALISBROKENORMISSING. 重要提示:防篡改密封帽在盖子下。如果打印的密封帽损坏或丢失不要使用。 QualityPurityPotency质量纯度效力 KirklandSignatureCalciumCitratewithVitaminD3,Magnesium,Zincandmineralsisscientifically ...
Calcium Citrate with 500mg of Calcium柠檬酸钙500毫克的钙 Plus Vitamin D3, Magnesium Zinc加维生素D3,镁及锌 Highly absorbable CALCIUM For strong BONES AND TEETH高吸收钙强健骨骼和牙齿 May reduce the risk of OS
Just one serving (two delicious gummies) is all you need to receive 500 mg of Calcium and 1000 IU (20 ?g) of Vitamin D3 per day. Kirkland Signature Calcium with Vitamin D3 Adult Gummies: Support strong bones, teeth and a healthy immune system.?
Kirkland Signature Calcium 600 mg + D3helps supports strong bones. The addition of vitamin D helps your body to absorb calcium better.? May reduce the risk of osteoporosis.? Vitamin D helps improve calcium absorption.? Calcium supports the growth of strong bones and teeth.?