Dyslipidemia and abnormal cholesterol metabolism are closely related to coronary artery calcification (CAC) and are also critical factors in cardiovascular disease death. In recent years, the atherogenic index of plasma (AIP) has been widely used to eval
Most CAC involved only in one artery, left anterior descending coronary artery branch (LAD). Triple-vessel disease occurred mostly in patients aged above 60. Conclusion: The detection of CAC by spiral CT provides an important value in early diagnosis of CHD and prediction of CHD events, and ...
A fully automated computer algorithm has been developed to evaluate coronary artery calcification (CAC) from low-dose CT scans. CAC is identified and evaluated in three main coronary artery groups: Left Main and Left Anterior Descending Artery (LM + LAD) CAC, Left Circumflex Artery (LCX...
Statins and/or PCSK9 inhibitors cause the regression of coronary atheroma and reduce clinical events. However, it currently remains unclear whether these drugs modulate coronary atheroma calcification in vivo. Coronary artery calcium (CAC) scores (Agatston Units, AUs) were estimated in 120 patients re...
P=0.011);MBPS组患者的左前降支(LAD)、左回旋支(LCX)、左冠状动脉主支(LM)的钙化积分明显高于非MB PS组(t=2.361、2.183、2.062,P均<0.05)。结论:MBPS可能激活高血压患者心血管系统的炎症反应,并使冠状 动脉钙化加重。 Influenceofhypertensivemorningpeakonlipoproteinassociatedphos pholipaseA2andcoronaryarterycalcif...
Background:The appropriate balloon-to-artery ratio (BAR) for cutting balloons (CBs), to expand calcified lesions without increasing the risk of coronary artery perforation is unknown. This study investigated the effects of BAR on stress levels in the calcification and at the borders of the coronar...
Objectives: We sought to evaluate the severity and patterns of calcifications in the left main coronary artery (LMCA) and proximal segments of left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) and left circumflex artery (LCX) using optical coherence tomography (OCT) in patients with and without prior...
Results: None of study subjects had fixed coronary artery stenosis more than 25% luminal reduction in the LAD assessed by CTCA and/or invasive coronary angiography, and CS was similar in the 3 groups (the Control group: 173±308, the SSc group: 161±364, and the RA group: 146±250). ...
The incidence of coronary calcification was significantly higher ( P < 0.01) in ischemic heart disease (64 of 82 cases, 78.0%) and low for the other groups (17 of 163 cases, 10.4%). In all groups, coronary calcification occurred more often in the left anterior descending artery (LAD) ...
(Percentage) Abbreviations: LAD (Left anterior descending coronary artery), LCX (Left circumflex coronary artery), LM (Left main coronary artery), RCA (Right coronary artery), TOT COR (Total coronary artery calcium score), AV (Aortic valve), MVL (Mitral valve leaflets), MVA (Mitral Valve ...