risk across socioeconomic status are fairly well established, and remain an issue of considerable public health importance.22 Although syphilis is a known cause of aortitis,23-25 we found no evidence in our population for an association between syphilis serology and calcification of the aortic arch...
Within atherosclerosis, TAC is common, variable in extent, and begins in the intima with a patchy distribution. In metabolic disorders, aortitis, and radiation-associated cardiovascular disease, calcification preferentially involves the media and is often more concentric. As an incidental finding, ...
Matsuki T, Isoda K, Horai R, Nakajima A, Aizawa Y, Suzuki K, Ohsuzu F, Iwakura Y (2005) Involvement of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the development of T cell-dependent aortitis in interleukin-1 receptor antagonist-deficient mice. Circulation 112:1323–1331 Rajamäki K, Lappalainen J, ...