There was tenderness on the right anterior-inferior malleolus and a fracture of the anterior process of the calcaneus was confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging. Since computed tomography showed sclerotic change around the fracture, we diagnosed it as a stress fracture. As the bone fragment was ...
The fourth articulation lies at the distal end of the anterior process of the calcaneus and forms the CCJ. The sustentaculum tali protrudes from the medial aspect of the calcaneal body and provides a shelf of dense cortical bone to support the talar neck. The superomedial spring ligament—a...
As a classic example of a hypomochlion, the patella is cushioned by the anterior and posterior suprapatellar and the infrapatellar fat pad [15]. The fat pad of the AT-calcaneus-PF complex is found in the AT enthesis organ [36]. The enthesis organ consists of a sesamoid fibrocartilage ...